Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Only white feminist matter.......

March of that 4th grade year had us studing about feminist and suffragettes thoughout history. Or the white ones at least. Popular female columnist are almost always white upperclass women. Feminist authors are often white. The popular feminist that get TV screen time to push their opinion on gender politics are almost always white. They only carry around a few token minorities and pay lip service to the ills of ethnic non-african women who are suffering thoughout the world. But you will not see them try to do anything about any of them NO. Only western white women truly matter.

Our teacher gave us a list of women and we were told to pick one and research her then turn in a paper for womens history month. A girl asked the teacher if she could do one on somebody who was not on the list and was allowed too. Seeing a chance to make this assignment very easy as I had plenty of source material thanks to an uncle. I asked if I could do mine on Sojourner Truth. If I could do a report on her I could skip out on the research part and get right to actually writing the report. I got crammed full of black history due to an uncle who was big on it and loved to teach me all he could since I was his only nephew who wanted to learn and read about it.

Yes, That was her response. A woman who spent most of the year cramming feminism down our throats. She didn't even recongnize the name right away. I brought up her "Ain't I a woman?" poem and said she was the author of it. Then she remembered.
That was when she got pissed. Raising her voice to say "No, Pick from somebody on the list!" I tried to protest asking why not and got sent to the counselor's office to be disiplined........

Every woman on that list was white...
Guess they were the only ones worth making a report on?


Masculist Man said...

I've noticed that with shows and commericials today that if there is a white female and a nonwhite female and they are in competition with each other the white female will prevail.

Anonymous said...

This is Miles,

That post is so true. Feminism is a white-witchy female phenomenon (Actually I truly belive it started with the KGB-controlled Communist Party USA in the 1920's, but that a whole 'nother topic).
Most of the print feminist we see and hear of on TV really only care about getting back at men who weren't interested in them and making young men misrerable out of spite. You hardly ever see feminist pony up financially to really help the underclass with effective educational grants or programs because they arent' concerned about "others", just themselves.

TheActionIntegral said...

I realise this won't get read because its so late but in Britain there has been a great fuss about black women authors describing the struggle over slavery being taught in school.

Pushing white feminists under the noses of black boys and black feminist for white boys is not presenting the importance of women, its about undermining boys.

As a Brit looking at the history of slavery in America, white and black men should be holding hands in the supposed patriarchy. Hundreds of thousands of white men (and some black men of course) fought slavery and won. In the civil rights movements of the sixties it was black and white men hand in hand. Now, after forty years of gender feminism so many white and black men hate each other that its difficult to see what has been achieved except the acceptance of nazi style vilification of the men of different racial stereotypes.

Mind you, if you were a woman and you hated men then this is a glorious end to the first act.